Tiffany Souers Suspect

As a one-time and longtime crime journalist, I honestly thought I had put away the days of thinking constantly about a killer. After many, many years of thinking about and talking to murderers, I was sure I could live the rest of my life without becoming obsessed with the capture and conviction of a murderer.

I was wrong.

It has now been nine days since a friend found Tiffany Souers’ body in her apartment at The Reserve in Central, South Carolina. The 20-year-old Clemson student had been strangled with her own bikini top and left dead in her apartment. It happened somewhere around 1:30am.

Indeed, it has been nine days and I find myself checking the internet for updates five or six times a day. Someday, I suspect, I’ll better explore why I have taken such an interest in the case. For now, I’m actually on a mission and I think you folks are a diverse enough group to help me out.

Tiffany Souers suspect photo -- Courtesy

See, the guy in the picture above stole Souers’ debit card and tried six times to get money in the hours after he apparently killed the co-ed. Hyper-aware of the security cameras, the dude (a white male) tied a bandana around both his head and face. After failing miserably all six times, the suspected killer took off in an older model (1982-1994) Chevy Blazer.

With only the car and the bandanas to go on, the cops have put out pictures (click here to see them all) and are hoping somebody can help them out.

As a guy who likes to think he can find just about anything on the Internet, I was fairly certain I’d be able to find the bandana online. Or something describing the stylized cross on the bandana. Or something. So far, I’ve found nada.

So, just to satisfy my curisoity, is there anybody reading that recognizes either the bandana or the cross?

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Brad Willis

Brad Willis is a writer based in Greenville, South Carolina. Willis spent a decade as an award-winning broadcast journalist. He has worked as a freelance writer, columnist, and professional blogger since 2005. He has also served as a commentator and guest on a wide variety of television, radio, and internet shows.

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4 Responses

  1. I recognize the picture, law enforcement loves to come to my department in Clemson to get these stills off of security video tapes. We worked for a couple of hours getting those shots. I hate security system recorders. They are very difficult to work with.

  2. Anonymous tatwood says:

    My burning question is WHY did he use her card? He obviously knew he’d be caught on camera and he didn’t know Souers’ PIN. What was he trying to accomplish? Maybe he was just nervous and screwed up, or maybe he was up to something more. The possibilities send you down so many different lines of reasoning– it’s enough to drive you crazy. I can’t stop thinking about it.

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