Monthly Archive: September 2008

Old and tired forever

There used to be a time when I would return from an epic trip across the country with friends and write out every single detail of the experience. It’s now been 36 hours since...


Now seems like as good a time as any to call it a wireless weekend. Yep, that should do it.

Then and now with our fearless enabler

THE PRESIDENT THEN “At this moment, America’s highest economic need is higher ethical standards–standards enforced by strict laws and upheld by responsible business leaders.” —George W. Bush, July 9, 2002 “We are making broad...

And I’m the degenerate gambler?

So, if we listen to the talking heads, we apparently have two choices (and you smart people feel free to correct me if I’m wrong here)… 1) We don’t bail out the gamblers and...

Friday Mental Massage: 1,000

When I posted Hope, still yesterday, I did so in a hurry. As mentioned several times here, I’m one week into a grueling work project that has required two 24-hour shifts and several other...

Hope, still

If you are not a long-time reader, you might not know I’ve been posting this picture nearly every year. For some reason, it still looks like hope to me.

Friday Mental Massage: Looking ahead

One of my fellow suburban warriors gets a light in his eye when he finds the much-fabled “something to look forward to.” The bad grammar aside, it’s a suburban warrior’s second reason for getting...


Twenty-four hours from now, I’ll be jumping into nearly three weeks of non-stop work. I doubt I’ll get much done otherwise. Yesterday, with no real stories to tell and an hour to kill between...