Category: Health


I’ve known my friend T for a long time. We’re honest with each other as much as we can be. Sometimes it doesn’t work because we’re both idiots in our own way. With that...

Continuing adventures in health care

I don’t answer the house phone. If you know me well enough to need me, if you have my cell phone number. Today, the house phone rang and listed the caller ID from an...

People who died

I did something odd last night. I was doing it before I even knew why. I’m still not sure I have a decent grasp on my motivation. A guy who went to my high...

Being Howie Mandel

An hour ago, I walked into a convenience store and bought a diet Dr. Pepper and a Gatorade. I filled the tank with gas, put a little air in the back tire, and got...

On failure

Richard Summers could claim scarred black lab tables and an exceedingly bad combover. This was the Summers Experience, and it was not a good one. It was easy to sit in the back of...

Dr. Funny

Listen, this post really isn’t for those with weak stomachs. I don’t even really want to write it, but after Snip, Vasectomy in pictures, and V Day, I figured I should close it out....

Vasectomy in pictures

When I go to foreign countries in which I don’t speak the language, I often depend on contextual clues to make sure I don’t end up in an uncomfortable situation. For instance, in Argentina...


The Boy was going for a haircut. Pre-vacation, a couple weeks before school starts, a haircut is like putting on war paint. With school supply swords and a good high and tight trim, a...

Reform this

If you are an average American, I have a hard time understanding why you do not want to see the health care and health insurance industries reformed. As near as I can tell from...