Yearly Archive: 2006

The Day — A Live Blog

Live Blogging Election Day 2006 I overslept. A squirrel has eaten a goodly portion of our Halloween pumpkin. Overnight brought a cold rain. L’il Otis is suffering from some odd malady that makes it...

How I got here

A couple of months ago, I watched some bad television magazine piece (I think it was 20/20) about people who are–for whatever reason–not at all interested in sex. They marry other people who are...

In lieu of…

news about the thing the wife has taken to calling That-Thing-We’re-Being-Annoyingly-Vague-About, how about another glimpse into suburban happy life? That is all.

What we can learn from John Kerry

I believe John Kerry. I do. I believe he mucked up a joke written by a member of his staff. I believe he actually meant to criticize the President instead of indirectly insulting the...

Shameless Happy Plug

Of note this Halloween: The kid received two football costumes as gifts from grandparents on both sides of the family. He’s worn both many times, but for the big day, my boy picked the...

Coming soon to a year near you

Jessica Simpson’s sex tape had just sweated its way onto the Internet. Just two days had passed since Tom Cruise was shot outside the Los Angeles offices of the Church of Scientology. His martyrdom...

Time-biding with gourds

My new therapist Nearly ten years ago I stood on a train platform in Europe with three of my best buddies. We had spent a couple of weeks going from London to Amsterdam to...

Richie Havens and Radio Silence

A friend of mine e-mailed a few days back to question the deafening silence around my corner of the internet. In fact, a few of you have started posing questions and they are all...


The previous post was sort of an inside joke. Seven years ago this month, life didn’t require a great deal of responsibility. The little lady and I were not yet married. We’d not yet...

Hello, sheeps

***Now with working home video…sorry*** After many too many weeks buried in work and self-concern, I was reminded this weeked of the importance of spending time with those closest to me. With that in...


I got some news last night that made me realize my little toubles are nothing. Nothing at all. I’m not going to write anything about it. Just hug your kids, and if you have...

State of Otis’ State Address

…oh, so you came here trying to figure out if I’d jumped off a ledge yet? Well, the answer is nuh-uh. Traffic here was way up on Monday. I can only assume it’s because...

I am the problem

There are things we must admit to ourselves at 3am, when the family is asleep, a comedy about the government is on TV (the fiction version I turned to after watching the non-fiction farce...