What I need today
Busy day here on Mt. Otis. It’s the Misuss’ birthday weekend, not to mention the time scheduled for a fairly major home improvement project. The weekend project is about 40% finished with one day left before other duties must be given priority. I’m not optimistic about finishing, but I’m happy with how far I’ve gotten so far. I’m probably getting ahead of myself but I’ve been thinking a bit on getting some new decor as well for when it’s done. This may or may not be because I was shown this funny wall art, (but even if it was I’d have a tough time convincing the Misuss’ to agree). But one thing at a time, I still have 60% to get through and that could change things.
Obviously, it is not too huge of a job that I can’t get it done by doing it myself. I (think I) know what I’m doing and I know any job that requires something a lot bigger might need me to bring in the professionals and leave them to it. This would be for anything big and dangerous where you need sufficient training, like electricals. I’d definitely have to find more info on that, I’m quite clumsy and I dread to think what would happen to me if I tried to do things by myself without any supervision or advice! There are definitely a few horror stories out there of people who have tried to DIY everything and they’re not good. In fact, I’ve heard stories of how some people decided they wanted to completely re-do their exterior and were thinking about doing their own stucco painting. It was a big job and they didn’t know a thing about it and obviously it turned out a disaster which wouldn’t have been the case if they sought the help of actual home improvement professionals. I can’t imagine what it would have looked like if I did something like that myself, so I’ll leave my big changes to the ones who can handle it.
Moral of the story? Know what you need and what you can do I suppose.
In an act of sheer avoidance of some pretty important things happening around me, I’ve been focusing on things that probably don’t matter that much, but serve as a great distraction. So, I’m in need of your advice, assistance, and/or recomendations. Here are some things I need (in no particular order).
If you’re going to go the low price, good quality route, a 32″ Vizio is tough to beat.
New Music? I can help here!
Most recent bands I’ve purchased on iTunes:
Goodnight Sunrise
Katy Perry
The Essex Green
Catherine Wheel
The Shore
On the TV question, the answer is Sharp Aquos. Case Closed. Why go second rate?
On the website designer question, I know someone who might be a perfect answer, too – I’ll let her know about your post.
Music Suggestions:
Bon Iver (introspective)
The Felice Brothers (raucous)
Scott H Biram (dirty blues/country man)
The Pomegranates (pop)
Possessed By Paul James (kinda appalachian)
Summer Recipe:
Chicken Lemon Strips
8 Chicken Strips
2/3 Cup of Bread Crumbs
1/2 Stick of Butter
3 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
1/8 Cup Dried Basil
1/8 Cup Dried Garlic
Garlic/Basil is a premix at the G-Store
“Heat oven to 375 Deg. Melt half a stick of butter and mix in 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix Dry ingredients 1/2-2/3 cup of bread crumbs, 1/8 cup of dry basil and 1/8 of dried garlic. Dip chicken strips in lemon/butter mix then roll in bread/basil/garlic mix. Roll chicken strip and insert toothpick place into oven safe dish. Repeat for remaining strips. Place in oven and cook for 18-20 minutes. Drizzle EVOO and additional lemon juice over the cooked chicken strips and bake for another 5 minutes. Goes great with pasta and a light sauce. Eat outdoors on your deck with a nice wine of your choice and enjoy the evening with the family.
I second the Bon Iver; I can see you liking that. I can have that zipped and heading your way if you’d like sir.
And Daddy has gotten you listening to Elliott Brood, yes?
Cold War Kids?
Delta Spirit? (I insist on this one actually.)
Port O’Brien?
Primm? (gotta throw in the Austin angle)
This TV is tough to beat for the price and quality. http://tinyurl.com/59oemg
I bought my Olievia 32″ a year and a half ago for $500. I have never looked back.
T loves his so much, has two of em.
I can give you some tips on the google love, and depending on what kind of site you need I can most likely help with the CSS/Graphic genius as well …
Go ahead and holler at me with some details
I love my Visio 32 TV. May be the cheapest HD set on the market. Either Consumer Reports or CNET gave them a rave review over higher priced models.
Musicwise I doubt you may want to hear the last Motley Crue, but how about something along the lines of acoustic covers that is a couple years old. Shaw Blades, Influence
I was given a Vizio this year and love it. Well, to be fair, I’d been watching TV on a 13″ set for five years, so I really can’t claim major expertise in this area, although I’ve coveted and enjoyed TVs owned by many a friend.
As for designer/CSS guru, try Joni at pixelita. She’s putting the finishing touches on a site for me and does wonderful work, is very reasonably priced, and is very good at anticipating any problems that could possibly arise.
I second StB’s suggestion of the Shaw Blades recommendation. And then offer up the name Joe Bonamassa, just for fun.
Recipes? Do I look like I cook? Okay, fine. Here’s my quick and easy summer dinner suggestion: big watermelon, sliced. Let family graze. Open a few bags of beef jerky to provide variety. So unorginal. But it works.
Have you been to see a doctor about your finger yet?
I wouldn’t call it “cheap,” but I *love* my 32″ Sharp Aquos. I bought it online and opted for slow ground delivery, which is much cheaper than sales tax for buying locally. (Plus I got a better deal on the TV itself.)
Oh, and if you’re shopping for TVs, what is your remote control situation? Will you be using the TV remote often, or replacing it with a TiVo or universal remote? (TiVo’s remote is the best of breed, but in my experience, universal remotes are over-complicated.)
If you’ll be using the TV’s remote, then I suggest that you factor the design of the remote in very highly. Over time, using a remote will either become second nature or drive you insane.