Quality is job one
I’ve spent the past week in the valleys of two small mountain ranges. The oaks and maples were just beginning to turn when I saw my camping friends in the Blue Ridge mountains. I’ve spent this week in the Ozarks and am on my way up to Columbia, Missouri to see some even older friends. Along the way I have heard (and expect to hear more of) the question, “So, how’s your work going?” I am as sure of the answer to that question as I am to what color the leaves will be on the way back home.
Today, though, I ran into two guys who had the kind of jobs you just don’t hear about in the guidance counselor’s office. I took a picture of both dudes, because, at least in one case, I don’t think there are many people who would believe the guy existed.
Any guesses on what these guys do to pay the bills?

Top guy makes butter sculptures, the other makes pork rinds.
What do I win?
Must have had a visit to Silver Dollar City while in the area?
That would be butter sculpting and pork rind making.
I like to take the pork rinds and dip them in the butter befor I eat them.