My exotic life
(G-Vegas, SC)–Back home and barely rested after several days in Las Vegas.
You went to Las Vegas? How exciting? Did you see Wayne Newton? Did Elton sing “Tiny Dancer?” Was Paris a slut?
I was there for five days. I saw three casinos and went bowling. I also worked.
With poker players? They’re so rich and dreamy! Did you think it was the best thing ever?
This time was better than most. Our working environment was more exciting and more comfortable. The company putting on the event bought us BBQ. I had brisket. And pulled pork. And beans and slaw.
Pokerati Dan snapped this picture at some point on Sunday. I thought I would annotate it.

1) Hand with wedding ring–I only point this out, because the last time I posted a picture from a work trip, my wife suggested the picture indicated me without a wedding ring. I suggested she was insane and blew up the photo to bigger than life size to prove my love for her and wearing jewelry. Fortunately, this picture picked up the little symbol of my love with semi-impressive quality.
2) Media badge–You’d be surprised how valuable these things can be. They also make a person look like a conventioneer. What’s sort of funny is when some hustler tries to run a game on me or someone else in the media, they figure out quickly that while we may not be from ’round here, we ain’t about to buy a trip to the Grand Canyon, a timeshare tour, or a roll in the hay.
3) Otis Shirt v.2–My friend Change once began referring to a certain version of button-up striped shirts as Otis Shirts because I wore them so often. This year, she made note of the fact I was wearing more graphic tees. Tuesday night, she saw me on TV. “You were wearing one of those black t-shirts with the gay design on the front,” she said. “Which one?” I asked. “I have five of them.”
4) Scruff–After going clean-shaven for a while, I grew back some scruff. I shaved most of it off the day after this picture was taken and settled on the old style I’ve been wearing for the past several years. Because, well, I’m vain.
5) Purse–It’s not mine.
6) It’s hers–That’s California Jen. She and I work together sometimes (once without even knowing it). She speaks softly and carries a big purse.
7) Caffeine–I drink a lot of caffeine when I’m at home. I breathe caffeine when I’m working. That venti job from the evil empire was the kick-off to a caffeine binge unrivaled in the past six months. Anyone have any clue why I can’t sleep in Las Vegas?
8 ) FlipChip— photographer and Vietnam vet. One heckuva guy on both counts, with stories to match.
9) Pauly—The guy with whom I’ve spent the most time in Las Vegas (not to mention New York, Florida, and certain parts of foreign countries best left unmentioned). Most likely to accidentally anesthetize an entire hotel floor and bet huge amounts of money on random acts than any of my other friends.
10) Detritus–Within a couple of hours of sitting down on media row (this area was a dark orchestra section of the Penn and Teller Theater), I can create a pretty big mess. Seen here, a Moleskine notebook (flexible parchment cover, for the freaking win), a lime green ink pen from a hotel across the street, a flash drive, empty pack of Eclipse gum, full (for the moment) pack of Stride gum, four versions of the same press release, empty Starbucks cup, empty bottle of Johnny Chan’s All-In Energy water (not to be confused with Johnny Chan’s All-In Energy drink).
Where does one obtain black T-shirts with gay graphics on the front? On the off chance I lose enough weight someday to plausibly pass as metrosexual?
You have a silly job!
At least you’re not on Furlough.