Monthly Archive: December 2008

Rear cover in Mexico

I yelled a phrase that can be reduced to a three letter acronym and I wouldn’t say in front of my mother. I said it loud enough that it actually made my head hurt...

Where’s my passport?

(Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico)— Several years ago, I established the 80-20 rule in regard to what I write publicly about the behind-the-scenes parts of my work. Eighty percent never gets written. Twenty percent is written...

State of the Otis at 35

(Houston, TX)–I think I actually said “Wha?” out loud when my alarm went off at 5am today. I think I actually used a Scooby Doo voice. I was kicked out of a dream where...

Road head

His hair was cut in a 1985 five-inch spike and not in a cool way. He was watching a show about a serial killer on the Discovery Channel. I don’t remember his name and...

Secret handshake

Last night, I met a guy who slings hemp bracelets. That’s not drug code or anything (the drug dealer was a different guy a few seats down the bar). The bracelet guy actually makes...