Yearly Archive: 2008

Rear cover in Mexico

I yelled a phrase that can be reduced to a three letter acronym and I wouldn’t say in front of my mother. I said it loud enough that it actually made my head hurt...

Where’s my passport?

(Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico)— Several years ago, I established the 80-20 rule in regard to what I write publicly about the behind-the-scenes parts of my work. Eighty percent never gets written. Twenty percent is written...

State of the Otis at 35

(Houston, TX)–I think I actually said “Wha?” out loud when my alarm went off at 5am today. I think I actually used a Scooby Doo voice. I was kicked out of a dream where...

Road head

His hair was cut in a 1985 five-inch spike and not in a cool way. He was watching a show about a serial killer on the Discovery Channel. I don’t remember his name and...

Secret handshake

Last night, I met a guy who slings hemp bracelets. That’s not drug code or anything (the drug dealer was a different guy a few seats down the bar). The bracelet guy actually makes...

When I’m wrong, I’m wrong

I woke up this morning in a house worth more than I’ll probably make in my lifetime. The bed was as comfortable as any I’ve ever enjoyed. My wife was beside me. She opened...


(Somewhere near Destin, FL)–The old hippie stood on the steps and held a half-smoked cigarette between his lips. He clapped slowly, a lazy waltz beat on his hands. And I thought, “What? Is this...

Otis funk ramble

Let’s face it. I’m grumpy. I’ve been grumpy for three weeks. I’m a real jerk when I’m grumpy. I’m also not very smart. This weekend, I pulled out of my garage in my wife’s...