Category: 2001-2007

My November I am doing this. Why? I’ve asked myself the same question for the past two weeks as I weighed whether to do it. I’ve threatened to do it for the past couple...

L’il Moment–October It seems L’il Otis has figured out what his guitar is all about. This morning, after wearing his Halloween cowboy hat around for a while, he sat down and started strumming. Then...

Tuesdays with Pauly Pauly takes notes. His life is a yet-unproduced or written off-Broadway play about drug-addled strippers and strung-out stockbrokers. At first glance someone might think his notepad is some affectation to make...

Diary of a rubber-less traveler

Diary of a rubber-less traveler It should be understood from the very beginning that anyone with any sense for knowing these kinds of things knows that Chicago did not get its nickname because of...

This old blog A few weeks ago, I let Rapid Eye Reality’s fourth anniversary pass without mention. I sometimes go weeks without posting here. There was a time when I posted here every day...

Untitled, because there aren’t words for this one The blonde woman stood, sweat and dirt seeping from her forehead’s pores. Behind her I saw the site of my first ever TV job interview. The...

It’s coming Mogoo, the Bradoween icon

L’il moment I don’t do this very often, but every once in a while, when I see those moments in which L’il Otis is discovering something new, I can’t help but share it. He...

A good marriage “Honey?” Mrs. Otis called from the kitchen. Shit, I thought. She wants me to do something. “Yeah, hon?” I put on my best Good Husband voice. Then she spoke again. “Honey,...

What is Bradoween? It’s a little like what you see where you click here, but really, a lot more. A lot more. (Be sure to turn up your speakers before you click)

Bleach-blonde zealots I was in the shower when I heard it coming. In between my Noxema facial scrub and Lever 2000 blue body wash personal rubdown, a thunder clap hit the house and rattled...

Irresponsibility: A retrospective Looking back (ain’t that how a retrospective is supposed to begin?), I suppose I should’ve heeded more the advice of the weatherman from “Groundhog Day.” It’s the easiest advice to follow,...

Written in an unguarded moment… I suppose it’s the time of year. Here in the not-so-deep south, the heat wave continues and the televison news strives to remind us that, indeed, it is hot....

How to stay sane I saw a lot of ass crack in Las Vegas. When I told my wife this, she misunderstood and went on to tell me about the most disgusting, pants-drooping, male...