Category: 2001-2007

The Terrorist Thinktank UPDATED Terrorists are a lot like corporate America. More on that in a moment, but first, an emarassing moment for America via my cell phone. I was in a hurry, juggling...

Back to the earth This story makes me both sad and happy. Read it. It’s aobut the guy on the right of this album cover.

On sleeplessness, and waking up In the dream, my father was making more sense than he did before his brain exploded. We were sitting near a window and talking about the future. He was...

More on my dad… I’m only concerned with my dad right now. When I have a few minutes to write something, it will only be about my dad and our family’s current fix. If...

My dad I wish it were easier to write those title words right now. I wish it were easier to fill all of you on what’s happening. In the coming days, I hope to...

This post brought to you… …by a product we call “I’m Outta Here.” Rambling to continue when I bring my ass back down off the mountain. Until then, I invite you to stop surfing...

Sometimes…an interest piqued I’m not a guy who links to a lot of things. If you want to read it, you’ll go find it. However, there is an interesting story out of Big Sur...

Closing in, closing out, breaking down Something is about to happen to me. It’s actually been happening for more than five years now. But now it’s really about to happen. I don’t even want...

The bannnd, man. So, the chances of me ever actually being in a band are pretty slim. I’m a mediocre musician and my only band experience ended very badly. The memories of my departure...

This space, again, intentionally left blank I don’t feel much like writing. I do, however, feel like moving down the brief moment of fiction so you don’t have to keep looking at it. Oh...

Another brief moment of fiction Prologue The steps they took seemed to slow as they reached the front of Charles’ house. Their heads–almost imperceptibly–turned toward the second floor bedroom window. They knew he was...

My life as a criminal It’s 5am. I haven’t slept in a long time. I’m wearing an orange and black stocking cap that doesn’t belong to me. I-55 through Memphis, TN is a strange...

Now, that was unexpected A couple of months ago I got a fairly unexpected e-mail It was from the managing editor of an industry trade magazine. He wanted me to write a short 1500...

Hi there, boys The hooker was duly impressed with my lack of maturity. She had given up the ass-swagger walk used by most ladies of the night for a motorized walkway. My friends and...