Category: 2001-2007

Dim lights, rural county Rich’s hands shook. Anxiety that makes its way down the arms always seems worse when the hand is holding a piece of paper. It fluttered easily, belying the weight of...

A diversion If you’ve tired of the blather herein, may I direct you to some interesting writing on an interesting subject? The first piece I read reminded me of a story from my youth…except...

Admissions of Excuse Boy The smell of the burning chicken feathers was less pronounced as it usually was. Apparently the chicken plant on Rutherford Road had burned off the day’s supply that morning. It’s...

Rest in peace Johnny Cash. John Ritter. Believe it or not, at different points in my life, these men were two of my heroes. I just don’t feel like working today. In honor of...

Turn off the alarm About a year ago we moved the alarm clock to my wife’s side of the bed. It was a practice in relationship survival. When she had to get up at...

Dry docked For the fourth straight night, the sun was setting at exactly 6:47pm. It would start dipping toward the horizon slowly, then slip below the waterline as if being cranked by some plebian...

Coverbands and a boy out to sea It’s not that I dislike cover bands. In fact, on many occasions, I’d rather watch a good cover band than a bad original. The thing is, I...

Diagnosis: Acute adrenaline addiction Eight-six degrees, at a poorly designed intersection. The old barber’s daughter is smoking at her front door. Men with big guns stare intently into the mature trees of the historic...

Is this a sign? The e-mail hit my inbox at a fairly unfortunate time. As I absorbed the impact of another law enforcement officer in my community dying in the line of duty, the...

A young man’s old man fatigue and the gambler in all of us In the television news business, you’ll hear the old and grizzled harumph in the middle of a long day, “This is...

Two young men I haven’t showered, I have barely eaten since Saturday afternoon, and one of my favorite bars in the world burned downovernight. My life ain’t that bad. I’m a little too busy...

Sweet mountain home It’s 4:30pm and for thirty seconds my tale of murder and family tragedy is important. It only takes the appearance of CNN’s John King on my boss’ television to throw a...

Sometimes Serendipity This is one of those moments where I take two minutes to sit back and breathe. I’ve just finished a brain-puckering day at work. I’ve just finished a month-long marathon of business...

The lap dance was how much? Updated Youth may, indeed, be wasted on the young. But on a confounding level of waste, I feel more inclined to offer this axiom: Wealth and luck are...