Category: 2001-2007

Hiatus interuptus (aka Finding Otis) Breathing has a tendency to speed up on you when you find yourself overoccupied. You find your head slipping out of the game and into a fastlane. That’s when...

Mr. A and The Big A I couldn’t help but think, “So, this is how it felt,” as my plane made a gut-droppng bank over Manhatten. The buildings seemed too close. The plane seemed...

My kinda town? I’m a country mouse. You can see it in my whiskers and tail. Put a pair of blue jeans over my ass and watch me skitter through the haystack. On several...

Still fine. A little fat, but fine. If I were you’re wife (or husband) these would be my conversation topics at dinner tonight I’ve grown to hate television. That’s a bad thing for someone...

Alright, alright I’ve got to find a smooth, literary way to slip this in. I’ve got to make sure this is as cerebral as my few frequent readers have come to expect. If I’m...

We’ll be back in two and two Last night as I was preparing for some night-putting, a michievious groundhog made his way into my house. He stole my ball, ran around with it for...

Mini-series, continued I’ve thought twice about this mini-series since I sat down the first time to write. Dear friends have provided what they called “lectures.” Other friends have expressed sympathy. A select few, those...

What I’ll never do…but would really like to A mini-series A few minutes ago I decided I must have had a fever and it was on its way out. I was sweating and shaking...

Mickey’s deflowered virgin and Katie Couric’s bass mouth I never really thought I would be the one to take Britney Spears virtue. The way I saw it, if she was going to wait for...

When I finally start killing people… …I’ll probably get caught. Most killers get caught. The reason is pretty simple: If they can’t control their impulses well enough to avoid killing someone, they probably don’t...

Your passport to the past I opened the folder titled “The crockpot is all to shit.” There was an oh-so-faint flicker of recognition. The phrase meant something. I could hear my friends, Brad and...

Eureka or something like it I guess it all started this afternoon when I found the wildlife reserve of horrors in my back yard. While doing a little past due but routine yard cleaning,...

Call the police In Liberia, English is the official language. That’s no huge surprise, as it is a country founded by freed American slaves. That colonization, though, happened a long time ago. The country...

Not just passing through Today ends a complex journey of a 100 year old man named Strom Thurmond. Before the day’s end he will be buried under Edgefield County, SC dirt, in a family...