Dos makes it easy
There will be time for something verbose and mushy sometime later this week. For now, just let it be known that the kid known as Dos arrived last night at 10:16pm and weighed in...
There will be time for something verbose and mushy sometime later this week. For now, just let it be known that the kid known as Dos arrived last night at 10:16pm and weighed in...
It’s been a while since we enjoyed a Friday Mental Massage. Because I am as unfocused as I can possibly be right now, it seems like a good time to work out the noodle...
When the wife went into labor with the boy nearly five years ago, we sat looking at a clock. We held a pen and paper in our hands and recorded each contraction like the...
(Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport)–I’ve been known to make a bet. In the past three months, I’ve bet on the toss of a lime, the next commercial to come on television, a rickshaw race, a game...
My first movie memory comes at age six and half. It was the summer of 1980 and I was in the backseat of my dad’s black mid-70s Monte Carlo. I don’t know if the...
So, I’ve been working on the house this weekend. After many months on the road and a couple weeks of reconnecting with the family, I finally got around to doing a bunch of stuff...
If you had asked me what I hoped to be doing the first time my son announced he had seen a hoo-haw, I would’ve said “cooking bacon.” Men are men around bacon. I knew...
Despite not being officially on the road this week, I am road-busy. I have two or three irons in the fire. Add that to my normal workload and a quick trip at week’s end,...
“I don’t know how you do it.” That’s what most people say when I tell them I work from home. Their eyes get even wider when they see the size of my house. It’s...
I like to produce as much as I like to consume. I think it has something to do with my heretofore unstated need for validation and affection. My insurance doesn’t pay for therapy, so...
(Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport)–There will come a time, I’m sure, when someone will ask, “So where were you when Barack Obama was elected President of the United States?” I will answer, “San Jose, Costa Rica.”...
(Paradise Island, Bahamas) — You have to imagine the thick Bahamian accent and a guy who looks a little like Jim Brown. That’s Joe Henfield, a private limo driver in Nassau. He doesn’t have...
(Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport — Ten minutes ago) I couldn’t tell if the family in front of us was Amish, Mennonite, or some funk southern combination of the two. The wife was dressed in traditional...