Category: Writing

Finished fiction

I don’t like to leave things unfinished. It’s rare of me to start any project and not work tirelessly on it until it’s finished or dead. Earlier this year, I thought it would be...

Gratify me

Wow, this is one navel-gazing-look-at-me post. I apologize insomuch as I recognize it, but am still going to hit publish. This weekend, we took the boys to Chimney Rock State Park in North Carolina....

The worst time to blog

I just returned from the grocery store, where–if the royal They is correct–the worst time to go is when you’re hungry. As it happened, I was getting a bit peckish and found myself loading...

I got nothin’

Maybe it’s the odd hours, the new noises, the tweaked schedule, but I really got nothin’. At all.

On cocaine

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine mentioned something about how many writers snorted coke. My friend is a writer and he had a good point. Cocaine lets you work forever and...

Rapid Eye ephemera

It may be that I’m working a lot, not sleeping a lot, or becoming naturally concerned with the all-too-soon birth of the boy we call Dos. Regardless, I haven’t written yet in the month...

Now with an ascot!

Saturday night, I grabbed my iPod and set about chopping up onions and jalapenos while listening to a friend tell me stories. He told me one take about an evil Eastern European woman who...

Pardon our mess

Last summer, the family and I drove up the mountain to Caesars Head. It’s little more than an outcropping of rock in Blue Ridge Mountains that looks vaguely like a face, but it’s a...


Last summer, I got it in my head that it might be time to stop identifying myself publicly with as narrow a scope as I had been. While my life and writing has revolved...