Category: Suburban warrior

Otis funk ramble

Let’s face it. I’m grumpy. I’ve been grumpy for three weeks. I’m a real jerk when I’m grumpy. I’m also not very smart. This weekend, I pulled out of my garage in my wife’s...


I’m simply too tired today to write anything that makes sense, so I thought I’d offer something that didn’t make too much sense to me at the time. Last week when I was working...


Last summer, I got it in my head that it might be time to stop identifying myself publicly with as narrow a scope as I had been. While my life and writing has revolved...

My exotic life

(G-Vegas, SC)–Back home and barely rested after several days in Las Vegas. You went to Las Vegas? How exciting? Did you see Wayne Newton? Did Elton sing “Tiny Dancer?” Was Paris a slut? I...

A friend’s work

I know my friend T is a friend when he manages to do something cool for me like what you see below. If he would just cut it out with the viral videos from...

And to Vegas

(G-Vegas Airport)–The gate agents always look at you with a smile when they see you’re going to Las Vegas. I don’t bother telling them it’s for work. It only leads to the old, “Well,...

Timeless in Costa Rica

(San Jose, Costa Rica)–The great myth about the business traveler is that he spends a romantic life on the road, sucking the marrow from mythical streets of exotic cities, and running amok in cities...

Passport to Oddville

(G-Vegas airport, 8am)–Leaving is never easy. I needed small bills and raided the boy’s piggy bank for two five spots. I left a Hamilton in their place and then felt guilty enough I gave...