Category: Suburban warrior


Happy birthday to the boy who taught me a new kind of joy; that life is not only about more than me, but almost entirely about more than me; that there was yet another...

Boogie Ball

The seaweed was thick that day. A park ranger told me it was called sargassum. I giggled, because that’s what children like me do when they discover words that sound like a combination of...

And so the summer ends

For the past several years, my family has been threatening to get together for a beach vacation. As we’re all exceptionally busy people who travel all the time anyway, it wasn’t easy to do....

July minutiae

I realized this morning that I didn’t post my minutiae from July. That’s easy to forget when your work station looks like this: But, promises are promises, and I told myself I would post...


I wish I could remember the exact time my brother became my best friend. It might well have been the moment he was born, but you wouldn’t have known it until much later. Nearly...

The owl I never see

Three of the four corners of my house have giant Sweetgum trees within 20 feet or so. If you don’t live in the Deep South or southeast, you may never have seen the monster...

Goodbye to my dog

The funny thing is…I never wanted the dog. It was February 1999 and I was home sick from work in Jackson, Mississippi. My wife, then a producer at a television station, called me and...

How I spend my summer vacation

I was out and about this week enduring some last-minute errands. I had a quick photo-shoot thingy downtown. The photographer asked what I did for a living. The short answer I give is, “I’m...

June minutiae

So, what did I do in June? I worked, I traveled (Peru and St. John), and I relaxed. Nothing more. It wasn’t a very heady month, which is pretty much what I needed it...

A friend and his pen

Six or seven years ago, I stumbled into the circle of a guy named Pauly. You’ve seen me write a lot about him here. We’ve never lived in the same city, but over the...

World Cup tears

The boy’s lip trembled when it became clear that the USA was going to lose to Ghana. He fought the tears as long as he could and stumbled over his words as he asked...