Essays from an american mutt

The Irrational Machine

Every weekday morning at 7:30am on the nose, John Smith (not his real name) gets up from the same spot on his bed. He showers with a clean wash cloth, washes under the same...

Cons or kids?

The War on Drugs is making kids stupid. According to this report in today’s local paper, our local school district is about to face the possibility of increasing class sizes and eliminating some AP...

Sinner and a sinner’s son

I never can remember whether I’m sinning in South Carolina. The target for sin is one that moves and not in a way you’d expect. You’re more apt to run right into the bullseye...

Things you should read

I’m often inspired by my friends. In the past week, two people I’m proud to call buddies have written some very personal stories. At first I wondered if I was so touched by both...

Purge and discuss

Last night I sat out back with the wife drinking Cadillac margaritas and deconstructing our life heretofore. Over three hours and a couple of drinks, we talked family, addiction, and the future. With about...

Upon my return from Connecticut

For those of you who don’t know me well, I love pizza. I’ll eat pizza from just about anywhere whether it’s in a fancy restaurant or I’m ordering from a pizza delivery place which...

St. Francis Hospital responds…but not to us

Greenville, South Carolina’s Bon Secours St. Francis Health System is proud of its record. Its hospitals deliver 2,100 babies every year, nearly one baby for every employee of the hospital. Its stated mission is...

39 songs that make me happy

Brooding season has passed again. With the months of November through March now passed, the House that Seasonal Affective Disorder Built can now go back to getting through the day without massive bouts of...

March minutiae

And in March, he rested. My friend Blood and I have a lot of discussions about discipline. He’s probably the most disciplined person I know. He can work out with a hangover, stick to...


Moments ago, my wife and I were having a discussion about cleaning products. Since we’ve had kids, my wife’s idea of a household cleaner is vinegar mixed with water. Or, if it’s a really...

Fight, postscript

Around this time yesterday, I started thinking about Jamie Gardner. After nearly three decades, I’d doubled back on some fairly impressive memories from my childhood. My mind tripped and stumbled over all of the...