Essays from an american mutt

The party at the end of the world

Punta del Este, Uruguay–The cabbie drove a straight path through s-shaped curves at 120 kilometers per hour. When the olive-skinned Uruguayan was a child, there no doubt his crayons ran outside the lines. The...

Backward in Uruguay

Punta del Este, Uruguay–I’ve been on the ground in Uruguay for around 36 hours and I’m still not walking in sync with the people. In Chile, no one wanted American dollars. When I got...

Helping where you can

What you see on the left is about 1/3 of what it takes to make a meal for 20 people. One of our neighbors is going through a really horrible thing right now. I...

Camouflage and podcasts

My son is fascinated with the military. A few weeks back, we pulled into Aunt Sue’s, a country meat and three in Pickens County. A convoy of soldiers pulled in behind us. They ate...

Hope and Change hiccup

I like me some Kool-Aid. I like it better when it’s mixed with things that make me even more happy. You mix Hope with Change and I’ll pound them like an Irish Car Bomb...

Future Otis is the new Otis

Apparently, one year ago this morning, I decided to send a post-dated e-mail to myself via FutureMe.Org. That e-mail arrived just a bit ago, and I’ll admit it sort of made me laugh. Subject:...


It all started when a friend named Al needed to get out of Philly for a while. His life had taken a few turns and he was planning to go to the Keys and...

Wake up

So, I’ve been working on the house this weekend. After many months on the road and a couple weeks of reconnecting with the family, I finally got around to doing a bunch of stuff...