Category: Suburban warrior

Baby steps

I took this picture on our last day in Hilton Head. I spent several days trying to think about what it represented (other than a goat in a window, of course). I solicited captions...


I remember being young, too young to really want for anything, young enough that the smell of cut grass and lawn mower exhaust was just a smell and not something nostalgic and gone, young...


The Boy was going for a haircut. Pre-vacation, a couple weeks before school starts, a haircut is like putting on war paint. With school supply swords and a good high and tight trim, a...

My younger woman

She ran from me for nine months and realized I probably wasn’t going away. That was around this time 13 years ago. Since then I’m fairly certain the woman who became wife has kept...

Gratify me

Wow, this is one navel-gazing-look-at-me post. I apologize insomuch as I recognize it, but am still going to hit publish. This weekend, we took the boys to Chimney Rock State Park in North Carolina....

Murph’s Law

Eventually, the halluciantions become so routine that you learn to anticipate them. Instead of flinching at the giant bird swooping down to eat your eyes, you take an early step to the left and...

Not-so-total recall

(Las Vegas, NV)) I walked into the Rio’s Amazon Ballroom last night to re-visit what doubles as my office for the next three weeks. “Welcome to The Suck,” Owen said. “And congratulations on the...

Gone, Daddy, gone

(Las Vegas, Nevada) Yesterday my son jumped into the swimming pool and swam the length of it without stopping. When he finished, he popped his head up out of the water and looked at...