The moms in my life
I’m fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Mother’s Day 2009 with both of the moms in my life. One helped make me who I am and the other helps me make sure I...
I’m fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Mother’s Day 2009 with both of the moms in my life. One helped make me who I am and the other helps me make sure I...
My grandparents are country folk, so it was no surprise when they moved from their little home in Springfield, Missouri to an old country community outside of Miller. It sits on the edge of...
It’s been a while since we enjoyed a Friday Mental Massage. Because I am as unfocused as I can possibly be right now, it seems like a good time to work out the noodle...
When the wife went into labor with the boy nearly five years ago, we sat looking at a clock. We held a pen and paper in our hands and recorded each contraction like the...
My grandparents live on a county road in southwest Missouri. My great uncle lives just behind them, just across a dirt road. My mom’s cousin lives a couple of places down. When we buried...
(Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport)–I’ve been known to make a bet. In the past three months, I’ve bet on the toss of a lime, the next commercial to come on television, a rickshaw race, a game...
We didn’t go to Cabo for Spring Break. Daytona Beach never made the list. If somebody had mentioned Cancun, we probably would’ve yawned. Why, I can’t say for sure. We were surely as drunk...
Twitter is the Keanu Reeves of the internet. I imagine a big budget film in 1994. It has big guns, big names, the perfect script, and Oscar written all over it. Spielberg already has...
A couple of years ago, a friend of mine mentioned something about how many writers snorted coke. My friend is a writer and he had a good point. Cocaine lets you work forever and...
It may be that I’m working a lot, not sleeping a lot, or becoming naturally concerned with the all-too-soon birth of the boy we call Dos. Regardless, I haven’t written yet in the month...
The girl who cuts my hair knows I keep an odd travel schedule. She looked at me in the mirror last week and asked, “Got any trips planned?” “Going to Uruguay on Sunday,” I...
What you see on the left is about 1/3 of what it takes to make a meal for 20 people. One of our neighbors is going through a really horrible thing right now. I...
My first movie memory comes at age six and half. It was the summer of 1980 and I was in the backseat of my dad’s black mid-70s Monte Carlo. I don’t know if the...