Essays from an american mutt

How long?

Monday night is poker night around these parts and for the past few years I have convened with the same group of guys to play cards on an weekly basis. The host of the...

Hope, again

This many years later, I still can’t help but find hope in this photo.

Facing the bad man

“And you, sir…” The judge looked across Courtoom 2 and at the graying, tired guy in blue jeans and faded polo shirt. Five years ago, this courtroom–the whole of the courthouse, really–was his home....

Press release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE REEDY RIVER CARDS FIND NEW COACH, NEW NAME (Greenville, SC) With fewer than 24 hours remaining before the 2009 draft, the Reedy River Cards owner and General Manager Brad Willis has...

Dr. Funny

Listen, this post really isn’t for those with weak stomachs. I don’t even really want to write it, but after Snip, Vasectomy in pictures, and V Day, I figured I should close it out....

Mark Sanford boned me

Barbecue makes me hot, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Whether the sauce is based in ketchup, mustard, or vinegar, it might as well be Spanish Fly shaken with raw oyster liquor. I...

Interrogate this

“Really!?!? We’re investigating whether the CIA told the 9/11 mastermind they were going to kill his kids? Liberals are wimps.” –Twitter post of my most conservative friend (who can out himself in the comments...

Vasectomy in pictures

When I go to foreign countries in which I don’t speak the language, I often depend on contextual clues to make sure I don’t end up in an uncomfortable situation. For instance, in Argentina...

An open letter to Brett Favre

Dear Brett, It’s that last drive of the 2008 season, isn’t it? You can’t get it out of your head. You made your triumphant return in a city that didn’t understand you, showed them...

Baby steps

I took this picture on our last day in Hilton Head. I spent several days trying to think about what it represented (other than a goat in a window, of course). I solicited captions...