Essays from an american mutt


I remember being young, too young to really want for anything, young enough that the smell of cut grass and lawn mower exhaust was just a smell and not something nostalgic and gone, young...


The Boy was going for a haircut. Pre-vacation, a couple weeks before school starts, a haircut is like putting on war paint. With school supply swords and a good high and tight trim, a...

My younger woman

She ran from me for nine months and realized I probably wasn’t going away. That was around this time 13 years ago. Since then I’m fairly certain the woman who became wife has kept...

Spend local

I have a theory about people who eat at Olive Garden and think it’s Italian food. I believe they are the same people who get a hickey and think they’ve received oral sex. The...

Meme dump

I’ve been getting hit with a massive meme dump on Facebook. Despite how masturbatory it is (or perhaps because of…), I always end up completing the damned things. I think I do it, in...

Gratify me

Wow, this is one navel-gazing-look-at-me post. I apologize insomuch as I recognize it, but am still going to hit publish. This weekend, we took the boys to Chimney Rock State Park in North Carolina....

The Salad with the Dirty Name

I was going to make chicken enchiladas tonight, and I probably would have if I hadn’t walked into the kitchen and seen a pear in the snack bowl. That’s always where things get weird...

Reform this

If you are an average American, I have a hard time understanding why you do not want to see the health care and health insurance industries reformed. As near as I can tell from...

Turning off

Let me preface this by saying that there is no either place I’d rather be and given the choice, I’d pick being home every time. Still, making the mental transition from the Vegas war...