Essays from an american mutt


A good friend recently told me, “Your blog sucks.” I took a small amount of umbrage. “It’s stale,” he said. “I demand new content.” I had to agree. I’m in one of those stupid...

I got nothin’

Maybe it’s the odd hours, the new noises, the tweaked schedule, but I really got nothin’. At all.

Touch the sun

I’m still getting used to the new normal around Mt. Otis and I’ve managed to let the day slip away without much in the way of writing. In lieu of anything substantive, here’s a...


Photo credit: I wish I knew. It’s been reposted on the internet so many times, I can’t find the original source. So, thanks.

Phriday phone pics

It’s no secret that the iPhone camera is just about the the only bad thing about the current generation of the device. As it is, the iPhone is like Marilyn Monroe with a goiter–almost...

Camp Fun

The wife and I were massaging the Google calendar for the next few months when she mentioned that Camp Fun started in June. I was immediately intrigued. The possibilities were endless. I pictured a...

To my second son

There is a man in our neighborhood who walks his snake. When your mom and I first saw the guy, we thought he was carrying a rope or a white horseshoe draped over his...

Dos makes it easy

There will be time for something verbose and mushy sometime later this week. For now, just let it be known that the kid known as Dos arrived last night at 10:16pm and weighed in...

The moms in my life

I’m fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Mother’s Day 2009 with both of the moms in my life. One helped make me who I am and the other helps me make sure I...