How Otis got his T-Pain back
The weird part isn’t that I have a friend named F-Train. The weird part is that he and I were both sober and having a semi-intelligent conversation about the vagaries of home ownership, professional...
The weird part isn’t that I have a friend named F-Train. The weird part is that he and I were both sober and having a semi-intelligent conversation about the vagaries of home ownership, professional...
You remember the movie “Outbreak.” And surely you remember Patrick Dempsey’s role as the hapless slacker who jacks a monkey from some port warehouse. And you certainly cannot forget his performance as “sick dude...
Knowing what a King Cake is makes me feel special, even though it’s only special in the way that anyone who has ever been to Mardi Gras is part of the club. Nonetheless, knowing...
Guilt is a byproduct of selfishness. Guilt, that tightness around the heart and lump in the throat, reminds us that, but for satisfying our own wants and desires, we might not have overlooked something...
The reason it’s so easy to remember that people largely suck and are more often than not idiots is because there are so many of them. This is as evident in Chinese smog as...
Sometimes when I lie awake in bed, when the covers feel too hot, when I could use the loving touch of a diabolical revolutionary, I think of Osama Bin Laden. I like to picture...
It’s chilly out–somewhere in the 40s–and we’re not wearing jackets. The Super Bowl will kick off in two hours.The boy and I stand across from each other and he screams, “Run!” And so I...
I don’t answer the house phone. If you know me well enough to need me, if you have my cell phone number. Today, the house phone rang and listed the caller ID from an...
If you have the clap and somebody wants to get in your pants, whose job is it to tell that person that you have the clap? That’s the question I posed this morning as...
I’ve found that quests for personal betterment are usually easy to derail with a little unconscious rationalization. A little concession here, a little laziness there. By the time August rolls around, it’s easy to...
Our flashlights have batteries. Our lantern has propane. My wife is presently picking up a few more essential items: nonperishables, water, and firewood. Somehow I forgot to put Maker’s on the list. This is...
I was cleaning up my laptop this week when I ran across something that bore my younger son’s name. I didn’t remember creating the document, and when I opened it up I didn’t recognize...
The problem with Shane getting back into blogging (and knocking off the rust much faster than any writer should be allowed) is that I am back to living inside my head a lot. One...
The Doppler radar looked like a corner man’s towel in the ninth round. Three slashes of red cut across Georgia and western South Carolina, each one more pronounced as they stepped south toward the...