Essays from an american mutt

Cocaine cabbies

It’s ten o’clock in the morning and I am in rough shape. I left the club some time after 3am, somewhere around the time I remembered I was 36 years old and most of...


Nassau, Bahamas–The little girl behind me wants an M&M. I know this because she repeated what she wanted for five consecutive minutes, only taking breaks to take giant breaths that would propel her through...

Bahamas bits

I’ve now been in the Bahamas for ten days and there is no common thread that can tie the whole experience together. It’s a mess of random nightmares mixed with zombie walks through a...

Five years of wandering

I got the sense they were talking about me. I was younger then–just 31, in fact–but I was no dummy. I’d already seen some of the most impressive and disturbing things most people ever...

2010: Time to go

Well, the way I see it, it’s time for us to get moving. Near as I can tell, I have been waiting around long enough. I’ll get as old as the road as long...

Being us on Christmas

The other day as we sat beneath stockings and in the glow of a perfectly-lit North Carolina pine, my son asked, “Dad, can we celebrate Hanukkah sometime?” This is where my son’s experience is...

Slower down the mountain

Several years ago, I was somewhere in Colorado (more than likely Copper or Breckenridge) and standing at the bottom of a run with several friends. We stood in the mountain air and worked on...

Otis Resolved 2010

Last year at this time, I posted a sort of peremptory list of resolutions for the coming year. The way I see it, the top of the year is full of people resolving to...

People who died

I did something odd last night. I was doing it before I even knew why. I’m still not sure I have a decent grasp on my motivation. A guy who went to my high...

A day with my boy

I just spent ten days pretending I’m a lot younger than I am and acting generally selfish. It was, as you might expect, a damned good time (with the exception of that time it...