Essays from an american mutt

The gates of Tornado Alley

My grandparents are country folk, so it was no surprise when they moved from their little home in Springfield, Missouri to an old country community outside of Miller. It sits on the edge of...

John Ludwig: Murderer?

John Ludwig probably expected to be in some amount of trouble when he stepped out of his crumpled Maserti. He probably figured he was in for a tough year when he realized he’d just...

Highway 29 revisited

U.S. 29 didn’t start as a backwater back road. It didn’t birth itself as a place that looked like it came straight from Dante’s mind and landed in an Anderson County, SC cow pasture....

Endorse this

There’s a very important class that famous people take. You probably don’t know about it because you have to be famous before you’re allowed in the Circle of Lust. I only know about it...

Mmmm, bacon

It’s comfort food week on Mt. Otis. I made an old school taco salad last night–really traditional, uninventive, and awesome beyond words. Near the end of the prep work, I almost went avant-garde. I...

Two men out of control

It seems even fate is working with furloughs these days. With no time to spare at April’s end, justice was efficient this week in Upstate South Carolina. Rather than draw out judicial proceedings for...

The superpancho

Our lungs had not yet been fully coated with the smoke of 500 chain smoking, leather-faced Argentinian gamblers. The middle aged women looked like their makeovers came courtesy of Rawlings after the catchers mitts...

That’s a wrap

It’s been a long road. I watched Barack Obama get elected from Costa Rica. I watched Mexican federales raid us on the Pacific coast. I followed some dude named Pablo in Chile. I threw...